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2018年07月13日 08:47  点击:[ ]


1、   On the Values of Quick Response and Inventory Carryover for Dynamic Supplier Contracts

2、   Emerging Research Initiatives and Topics on Supply Chain Management

报告人:祁连  副教授

时间及地点:2018718日上午8:30-11:30  管经新大楼B312

邀请人:刘晓冰  教授

个人简介:祁连,副教授,美国新泽西州罗格斯大学商学院供应链管理系主任,大连理工大学“海天学者”。本科毕业于复旦大学,分别于浙江大学和美国佛罗里达大学获得工学硕士和理学硕士学位,并在佛罗里达大学获得博士学位。祁连副教授近年来在供应链设计与管理、生产及库存计划与控制、运作管理、仿真/优化算法的设计与分析、企业资源计划等领域开展了大量具有国际领先水平的研究,在Production and Operations ManagementTransportation ScienceEuropean Journal of Operational ResearchOmega, the International Journal of Management ScienceInternational Journal of Production Economics等顶尖国际期刊上发表论文十余篇。担任Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research副编辑,Mechanical & Electrical Engineering编委会成员,是多家顶尖期刊的同行评议专家。2016年获得罗格斯大学青年教师研究奖;2011SAP大学联盟认证顾问;2011年罗格斯大学青年教师教学奖;2007年密苏里大学罗拉分校杰出教师奖;2006年工业工程学会年会运筹学领域最佳论文奖。


1报告题目:On the Values of Quick Response and Inventory Carryover for Dynamic Supplier Contracts

内容摘要:We investigate contracting issues under Quick Response in a supply chain consisting of one manufacturer and one retailer. The manufacturer sells her seasonal product to the retailer over two periods. In the first period, which is before the selling season, none of the firms know the demand information. The retailer might want to order in this period based on the expected demand due to the low production cost associated with the regular production mode at the manufacturer. During the selling season, the retailer can update his demand information. The manufacturer may still produce and supplement the retailer’s stock, but due to the short duration of this period, only Quick Response can work and the production cost has to be much higher. We show that the adaption of Quick Response may hurt the manufacturer due to the high information rent the retailer asks for. We also consider the case that the manufacturer can carry over inventory from the first period to the second period. Interestingly, our analysis shows that carrying inventory also hurts the manufacturer.

2报告题目:Emerging Research Initiatives and Topics on Supply Chain Management

内容摘要:We review the recent research initiatives and topics in the domain of supply chain management and propose potential research directions.  The discussion focuses on the research topic/outlet selection and research project management.

下一条:挪威BI商学院Ralf Muller教授学术报告


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