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美国天普大学Subodha Kumar教授学术报告

2018年07月03日 09:47  点击:[ ]


1、    Business Analytics Issues in Multi-Channel Retailing

2、    Competitive Strategies for Brick-and-Mortar Stores to Counter "Showrooming"

报告人:Subodha Kumar  美国天普大学教授

时间及地点:2018.7.6 19:00-20:30;管经新大楼B312

邀请人:胡祥培  教授

报告摘要:Showroomingrepresents a shopper behaviour prevalent in today's retail landscape, referring to consumers inspecting a desired product at a retailer's physical store and then buying it online, usually from a competitor. Showroominghas been examined frequently from a negative standpoint (e.g. free-riding and channel-hopping), via the theoretical lens of multichannel shopping and using a quantitative (theory-testing) approach. The present study seeks to investigate showrooming from a positive standpoint and help retailers to diagnose and appreciate potential opportunities that may be presented by this shopper behaviour. Our investigation is guided by the theoretical lens of consumer experience and a qualitative (theory-building) approach, based on convergent interviews with eleven self-proclaimed showroomers and the shopping context of consumer electronics. The present study contributes to retail theory and practice by illustrating that showrooming can be conceived and managed as a positive shopper behaviour. Its potential opportunities can be better appreciated when retailers consider fully its experiential aspects, such as decision activities and emotions

人物简介:Kumar教授现为美国天普大学教授,并入选2017年教育部长江讲座教授,他的研究涵盖了市场营销、运营管理、供应链管理、信息管理、医疗健康管理、社会媒体分析、数据挖掘等各个领域,目前担任管理学UTD24种国际顶尖期刊之一Production and Operations Management执行主编兼信息管理栏目主编。

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